2012 PAC Renewal Instructions Just Released
2012 PAC Renewal Instructions Just Released
Do you have a PAC (Project Assistance Contract) that needs to be renewed? You must use the new FY 2012 contract for renewals, since it has changes in the dates and authorizing legislative section.
The official memorandum from Marie Head, Deputy Assistant Secretary for MF, was released on January 31, 2012, and HUD Field Offices were given their instructions on February 1, 2012. The memo notes that PACs that have expired, or are expiring in 2012 can be renewed for one year. It provides instructions – including those for submitting an operating budget and criteria for approving rent increase requests.
List of 2012 expiring contracts (Attachment A), and new PAC contract renewal form (Attachment B) (It’s the 6th bullet point down in the Section 8 section)