Q&A: Unit Split
Q&A: Unit Split
Question: Mother and Adult Daughter lived in one unit with their kids. Mother went on our waiting list and is now moving into another unit with her kids next Friday, March 8th. We’re not quite sure what to do with the daughter’s rent for March. Do we charge her the full amount or can we do an interim mid month? Is this considered a transfer, or do you do a move-out of one and new move-in for another? ~ Ruthie in SC
Answer: There would be a Move-In cert for the mother and her kids, effective March 8 when they move into their new unit. The adult daughter remaining in the old unit would have an IR with an effective date of either April 1 (if the rent is unchanged or goes down) or May 1 (if the household’s rent will go up). Move-Outs and Unit Transfers are only done when the entire household moves out, or moves to another unit. In the TRACS MAT Guide this scenario is known as a “split”.