February 21, 2014 in Q&A

Q&A: Income Eligible, or Not?

Q&A: Income Eligible, or Not?

Question:  I have a question regarding new admissions for my Multi Family property.  I was told by my PBCA that we are not allowed to admit anyone if zero HAP assistance will be paid.  This will come across as an error.  If the new admission is within the income limits, why is this not allowed?  I am not able to find anything in the 4350.3.  Can you point me in the right direction? ~Mitch in Texas

Answer:  In addition to being within the Income Limits, the family “must also need the assistance” [4350.3, 3-6 F(4)].  The amount the tenant must pay (Tenant Rent) must be less than the unit’s gross rent (or market rent for 236 sites).  This caveat does not apply to 202 or 811 PRACs.