June 3, 2015 in Q&A

Annual Recertification Question

Annual Recertification Question

Question: A Section 8 tenant had their most recent Annual Recertification in November 2014. At that time, the 17 year old son in the household was working. His income was appropriately excluded per HUD regulations. The son turned 18 years old in February 2015. On May 18, 2015, the mother, the Head of Household, timely reported a new job. When I process the Interim for the mom’s new job, do I include the son’s income now on the Interim 50059? Stacy-California

Answer Great Question! This scenario brings up several tasks to consider. I am going to address them in a deliberate order.

  1. When the son turned 18, your property’s EIV Policies and Procedures should call for management to follow a consistent procedure of contacting him and
    requesting his dated signature on the HUD Form 9887 and 9887A. Make sure this step was taken before proceeding with any subsequent steps.
  2. Next, management must pull the EIV Income Report and Income Discrepancy Report for the household. Based on the information displayed
    on the report, the adult members of the household will need to either agree or disagree with the income displayed.
  3. When processing the Interim, management will include both the mom’s new income, as well as the income earned by the son. The question is, how much of the son’s income is counted?
  4. If the son is verified as a full-time student, his earned income will be capped at $480. If he is not a full-time student, the full amount of the earned income will be included.