Q and A: Son Leaving Unit
Q and A: Son Leaving Unit
Question: A Head of Household mom lives in a unit with her 17 year old son. The son recently left the unit and his mother does not know when or if he will return. She currently receives his monthly Social Security benefit in her account. The EIV Income Detail shows the income under the son’s name and the mom is listed as the payee.
Does management remove the son from the certification? Does the Social Security income get removed as well, despite the deposits into the mom’s bank account? ~ Gavan-New Hampshire
Answer: This answer will focus on the two questions posed.
Because the mother does not know when or if the son will return to the unit, management should proceed with removing the son from the HUD Form 50059 via an Interim certification (4350.3, Rev-1, Change 4, 5-6 B.2). The effective date of the Interim certification will be dependent on when management was notified of his departure.
Per the SSA-issued award letter, the social security income is allocated to the son. The mother is listed as the payee, likely because of the son’s age. If he is removed from the unit, his unearned income must also be removed.
While it was not part of the original question posed, it is important to remember that if the son were to return to the unit following completion of the interim discussed above and following his 18th birthday, he would be an adult applicant and thus, would be subject to all screening criteria. This would include the EIV Existing Tenant Search, lifetime sex offender registration screening, and any other criminal, rental, or credit criteria established by the property.