APPS Update: Online Changes
APPS Update: Online Changes
There have been some updates to the Active Partners Performance Systems (APPS) online system, including:
- APPS will automatically resolve Automated Financial Statement (AFS) flags once the AFS is filed electronically.
- The latest REAC scores now appear on the Previous Participation Detail Page for Update
- You can make a new property submission for the same Tax ID Number (TIN) if an existing property submission has the same role but a different reason.
- The Corporate Buyout Submission option was removed from the Select A Reason Drop-Down list on the 2530 Submission Select a Reason page.
- On the APPS Home Page, Create Baseline has been added as an option in Submission Processing Drop-Down list. And, the message Baseline Already Exists appears if there is a baseline already in the system.
- When creating a baseline, the message Comments Inserted Here will not be carried forward to any new submissions that has been added to Edit Applicant Comments page.
- The previous participant is no longer deleted when participant is removed during the organization change submission.
- The previous participation is only deleted if the Participant Is Added In Error option is selected. Also, a message (Participant’s previous participation will be deleted from the applicant) displays when appropriate.
Click here to see the new debenture rates, effective January 1, 2014 (starts at the bottom right side of the page). Find new management fees, as of January 1, 2014 here:Â Â Management Fees as of January 1, 2014