Q&A: IRS Garnishments
Question: We have an individual whose income is being garnished by the IRS. The net amount that he currently receives would allow him to meet our income requirements. But if we use his gross wages, ...

Q&A: SSNs and Written Verification
Question: In the 4350.3 Handbook (Change 4) there is a note on page 9-10 about not using the full 9-digit SSN on “email or other electronic communications”. Do you have any industry clarification on ...

Global 30-day Extension for 12/31/13 Submissions
Financial Assessment of Multifamily Housing (FASS-MF). (2013, January 6) The Office of Housing has authorized a global 30-day extension to all owners with fiscal years ended 12/31/13.

APPS and FASSUB Updates
A couple of important updates: The Active Partners Performance System (APPS) currently has a glitch caused by the December 21, 2013 software release. And Notice 2013-23 allows you to submit owner-cert ...

Q&A: Can Child Care be Paid to a Relative?
Question: Can a tenant pay a family member and count that as a childcare expense, and get a deduction for it? How does a person prove that a family member is not available to care for the children? ...

Are You Ready for 2014?
Are you ready for 2014? Have you done a review of 2013 and determined your accomplishments? Have you reviewed what needs to be done to improve your property in the new year? Now is the time! The Na ...

2014 Income Limits Released
On December 18, 2013, HUD’s 2014 Income Limits were released, and are effective immediately. (See RHIIP Listserv Posting #309) If you have applicants who were already determined to be eligible before ...

REAC Pre-Inspection Checklist
Inspecting the property for these items will help you when you are preparing for a REAC inspection:

Change 4: Revised Transmittal
On December 10, 2013, a Revised Transmittal for the 4350.3 REV-1, CHG-4 Handbook appeared online for the first time. Signed by Carol Galante, Assistant Secretary for Housing, its issue date was Novem ...

HUD REAC TAC Phone System Outages
The telephone system for HUD’s REAC TAC Support is being upgraded from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm EST on Friday, December 13th and Friday, December 20th. Brief, sudden outages in regular phone service and vo ...