Q & A Certs
Question: I have a tenant who’s going to do a Unit Transfer. I was told that the move-out date of the existing unit is the same date as the move-in to the new unit. I thought these had to be a day apa ...
Contacting the OIG about Fraud and Abuse
The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is, technically, part of HUD. But they work independently and have separate budget authority. Its purpose is to find and prevent abuse, fraud and waste within ...
New HUD Web Tool Shows Details for Community Development Initiatives
Partner.hud.gov began in November of 2011. It shows contact information as well as proposal details for the highest-scoring applicants to HUD’s flagship community development initiatives. Its purpose ...
2012 PAC Renewal Instructions Just Released
Do you have a PAC (Project Assistance Contract) that needs to be renewed? You must use the new FY 2012 contract for renewals, since it has changes in the dates and authorizing legislative section. The ...
Homelessness Decline Reported
HUD issued a press release on December 13, 2011 stating that more than 3000 communities on a single night in January of 2011 reported that 636,017 people were homeless in the United States, a 2.1 perc ...
Revised Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP)
The form has been revised! This new version is dated December 2011 and must be submitted on HUD Form 935-2a. There are some common omissions that have been noted: failure to list county, telephone num ...
The State of PBCAs
Marie Head, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs released a letter on January 23 about the PBCA NOFA. The NOFA is still in clearance, which means that the document is bei ...
Income Limits and Program Applicability
Last month we reminded you of the New Income Limits. Now, here are the various programs that are governed by these income limits: