Q and A: EIV Income Discrepancy
Q and A: EIV Income Discrepancy Question: I had an EIV Income Discrepancy show up for one of my tenants when I ran the EIV reports for her Annual Recertification. I have researched it and verified i ...

Q and A: IRS Garnishments
Q and A: IRS Garnishments Question:: I have a tenant that has a VA benefit of $1100/month, but every month, the government garnishes $100 of the payment for unpaid taxes. What do I count as the inc ...

What is LEP?
What is LEP? HAP, PRAC, EIV, TRACS, and TSP are just a few of the numerous abbreviations used daily in the HUD affordable housing industry. However, there is a relatively new acronym that many are n ...

Q and A: Mother Deployed for Military Service Overseas
Q and A: Mother Deployed for Military Service Overseas Question: A woman head of household lives in the unit with her 10 and 12 year old children. The mother is deployed for military service overseas ...

Q and A: Son Leaving Unit
Q and A: Son Leaving Unit Question: A Head of Household mom lives in a unit with her 17 year old son. The son recently left the unit and his mother does not know when or if he will return. She curre ...

Gearing Up For Layered Subsidy
Gearing Up For Layered Subsidy As much of the existing Section 8 housing inventory reaches the 30-40 year mark, more and more owners are investigating options for private investors to leverage capita ...

HUD Issues a New Section 8 Renewal Policy Guidebook
HUD Issues a New Section 8 Renewal Policy Guidebook On August 5, 2015, HUD published an updated Section 8 Renewal Policy Guidebook. This new guidance applies to renewal and amend-rent only packages r ...

Q and A: Historical Criminal History
Q and A: Historical Criminal History Question: When I ran the criminal history check for one of my applicants, it showed that she was convicted of felony drug possession in 1970. She is 86 years ol ...

Q and A: Back Payments of Child Support
Q and A: Back Payments of Child Support Question: I have a question about a resident who has started receiving back child-support payments from her ex-husband. She will be receiving $130/month starti ...

New GAO Report Points to Weaknesses in LIHTC Program Oversight and Recommends HUD Involvement in Administration
New GAO Report Points to Weaknesses in LIHTC Program Oversight and Recommends HUD Involvement in Administration On July 23, 2015, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report that foc ...