Q and A: Understanding the Period of Income
Q and A: Understanding the Period of Income Question: In early July 2015, I pulled an Income Detail Report and an Income Discrepancy Report for one of my residents with an upcoming November 2015 Ann ...

Multifamily Transformation In Full Swing in Buffalo Multifamily Program Center
Multifamily Transformation In Full Swing in Buffalo Multifamily Program Center As you may be aware, HUD’s Office of Multifamily Housing is going through a transformation that involves restructuring t ...

HUD Issues Housing Notice on HUD’s Equal Access Rule
HUD Issues Housing Notice on HUD’s Equal Access Rule Housing Notice H-2015-06, Program Eligibility in Multifamily Assisted and Insured Housing Programs in Accordance with HUD’s Equal Access Rule, was ...

Q and A: Increase in Household Size Question
Increase in Household Size Question Question: The largest unit size at my property is a 2 bedroom with an occupancy standard of 2-4 people, as discussed in our Tenant Selection Plan. I have a fam ...

Big News for Owners Needing To Perform a Utility Allowance Analysis
Big News for Owners Needing To Perform a Utility Allowance Analysis On June 18, 2015 and June 22, 2015, respectively, HUD issued a Memo and Notice H-2015-04 detailing new sampling methodologies Owne ...

HUD Issues Memo to PRAC Owners to Remit Excess Residual Receipts
HUD Issues Memo to PRAC Owners to Remit Excess Residual Receipts On June 19, 2015, HUD issued a memorandum that impacts owners of Section 202 and 811 PRAC properties maintaining residual receipt acc ...

HUD Issues a Revised RAD Notice
HUD Issues Notice PIH-2012-32 (HA), REV-2-Rental Assistance Demonstration-Final Implementation, Revision 2 On June 15, 2015, HUD issued a revised Notice that provides program instructions for the Ren ...

Clarification to an earlier Question and Answer post regarding a move-out correction
In the June 2015 issue of Practical Points, we included a question and answer regarding how to correct a move-out certification previously accepted by TRACS. This is a revision to the original post t ...

Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses
Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenses Question: Is there anything in the HUD Handbook 4350.3 that says that out-of-pocket medical expenses are limited to those paid to entities licensed within the United St ...

Students in Household
Students in Household Question: I have a three-member household at my Section 8 property that consists of a mother (the HOH) and her two children, both of which are under 23 and full-time students th ...