Voucher Adjustments
Voucher Adjustments Question: I manage a small Section 202/8 property that has a monthly mortgage offset of $1,789.36 that is deducted from my voucher every month before I get the deposit in my bank. ...

Move-In and EIV
Move-In and EIV Question: I had a tenant that moved in on April 17, 2015. On April 30, 2015, she reported a new job that began on April 27, 2015. So, I know I have to run the EIV Income Report for th ...

Move-Out Question
Move-Out Question Question: I have a move-out for a tenant effective 2/15/2015 that was sent and accepted by TRACS. I recently discovered during a quality control audit that the actual move-out date ...

Annual Recertification Question
Annual Recertification Question Question: A Section 8 tenant had their most recent Annual Recertification in November 2014. At that time, the 17 year old son in the household was working. His income ...

Question and Answer- Third Party Verifications and 9887A Forms
Question: During a recent PMCS training, the instructor indicated that when management is sending out third party verification forms that: 1) adult members of the household must sign the individua ...

Waiting List and Updated Applications
Waiting List and Updated Applications Question: The waiting list of applicants to move into my property is very lengthy. Several applicants submitted their original applications before Change 4 of th ...

When to Make Interim Recertifications Effective
When to Make Interim Recertifications Effective Question I am a new manager and am totally confused on when to make interim recertifications effective. I have a tenant that reported a new job to me ...

Question and Answer: Property Utility Allowance
Question and Answer: Property Utility Allowance Question Our property has a utility allowance. Some of our tenants do not pay any portion for their tenant rent. They receive a utility reimbursement ...

Question and Answer: Screening Costs
Question: We have a lot of households that apply, but end up getting rejected based on our screening criteria. We spend a lot of money each year on screening costs for households that never end up li ...

Annual Financial Statement (AFS) Filing Deadline; Validation Errors; FASS Service Outage
AFS Filing Deadline - There has been no indication from REAC that a filing extension will be issued; therefore, filers must adhere to the 90-day filing deadline. REAC has indicated, however, that alth ...