Q&A: What do Live-In Aides Sign?
Question: I have a couple of tenants with Live-In Aides. Are they supposed to sign the lease, or just the Live-In Aide addendum? Do they have to sign the 50059s? Betsy in Florida

Q&A: Can’t Print Cyber-Awareness Certificate?
Question: I took the CyberAwareness course twice, and I couldn’t print out my certificate either time! All I got was a black screen. What can I do? ~ Amy in New York

HUD Improves Tax Credit Pilot Program
HUD’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Pilot Program, which started in 2012, is designed to attract multifamily borrowers to FHA’s low rates and very good terms, increasing its inventory of affor ...

HUD’s MultiFamily Transformation Update
On Friday May 2, 2014 HUD hosted a stakeholder conference call regarding its Multifamily for Tomorrow (MFT) Transformation. Multifamily Deputy Assistant Secretary Ben Metcalf and other HUD staff parti ...

Section 8 Renewals – Submit Comments by May 14
HUD has extended the comment period for the Revised Section 8 Renewal Policy Guide - you now have until May 14, 2014 to submit your ideas.

Q&A: Incidental Income Increase for IRs
Question: When doing an IR I know that we have to run the EIV. But do we have to change the income amount if the income increase is not more than $200? ~ Gail in Georgia

Q&A: EIV Violations
Question: Our owner has just been issued two EIV non-compliance letters for properties that have MOR’s coming up next month. Our CA had requested information in advance of the MOR. We sent her our TRA ...

Multifamily Update from DAS Ben Metcalf
On March 10, 2014, Ben Metcalf, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Multifamily Housing Programs, talked to NAHMA (National Affordable Housing Management Association) about his memorandum dated March 5, 20 ...

AFHMP (Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan) Issues
On March 10, 2014 industry representatives talked with Bryan Green in the FHEO (Fair Housing/Equal Opportunity) office of HUD. The discussion revealed that there is a great deal of discrepancy in the ...

TRACS Errors for Mixed Households with Prorated Assistance
ICAP Assistant Director, Linda Guyder, reported a TRACS programming error related to mixed households (those with both citizenship-eligible members and ineligible non-citizens). TRACS is miscalculatin ...