2014 PAC Renewal
Instructions for renewing your PAC (Project Assistance Contract) have just been released by HUD, though they sent them to their Field Offices on February 19, 2014. Use them to process your contract r ...

Section 8 Renewal Guide Changes Posted for Comment
HUD has posted the proposed revisions to the 226-page Section 8 Renewal Guide, under What’s New on the right side of the Section 8 Contracts webpage. Like the 4350.3, changes are set off with asterisk ...

Q&A: Repayment Agreement: Who Owes?
Question: We had a household with two couples living there. One of the wives got a job and never told us - we found out when we ran the EIV Income Report for their Annual. We did a repayment agreem ...

New FASS (Financial Assessment Sub-System) Documents
You may have noticed some new documents on the FASSUB webpage recently. Read more about new items posted by REAC.

Q&A: Income Eligible, or Not?
Question: I have a question regarding new admissions for my Multi Family property. I was told by my PBCA that we are not allowed to admit anyone if zero HAP assistance will be paid. This will come ...

APPS Update: Online Changes
Read about updates to the Active Partners Performance Systems (APPS) online system...

New Fort Worth/Kansas City Hub Director
Ben Metcalf, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Multifamily Housing Programs has released the following information about Kelly Haines being selected as the Director of the Fort Worth and Kansas Ci ...

VAWA for Non-Section 8 Properties
When Congress reauthorized VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) in 2013, the Act was expanded to include other federally-subsidized housing programs beyond public housing and Section 8. However the auth ...

Updated AFHMP Form
An updated version of the AFHMP (Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan) form has been released with a new expiration date of 12/31/2016. In the past, the census tract could not be typed in; now it c ...