Surplus Cash Calculations Under “New” Regulatory Agreements
HUD issued a revised Regulatory Agreement in April, 2011 which includes a “new” definition/calculation of Surplus Cash. This definition only applies to owners that signed the revised 2011 version of t ...

Social Security Award Letters are Going Paperless
In a recent letter from Kenny P. Oguejiofor, Public Affairs Specialist, Social Security Administration, Social Security has made some important upcoming changes to the services that will be provided a ...

Smoking Policy Violations
If you have established a non-smoking policy for your property, it is important that you enforce that policy. The biggest question is, “How do we prove that someone is violating the policy?” The smell ...

Maintenance Personnel and Fair Housing
It’s important to remember how important our maintenance staff is when it comes to Fair Housing. It’s easy for them to fall into traps when dealing with residents.Here are a few different situations a ...

Can’t Get Your EIV Deceased Tenant Report?
If you haven’t been able to print a complete EIV Deceased Tenant Report, you’re not alone! Due to a glitch, only properties with both a contract number AND a project number are able to get these repor ...

Q&A: IRS Garnishments
Question: We have an individual whose income is being garnished by the IRS. The net amount that he currently receives would allow him to meet our income requirements. But if we use his gross wages, ...

Q&A: SSNs and Written Verification
Question: In the 4350.3 Handbook (Change 4) there is a note on page 9-10 about not using the full 9-digit SSN on “email or other electronic communications”. Do you have any industry clarification on ...

Global 30-day Extension for 12/31/13 Submissions
Financial Assessment of Multifamily Housing (FASS-MF). (2013, January 6) The Office of Housing has authorized a global 30-day extension to all owners with fiscal years ended 12/31/13.

APPS and FASSUB Updates
A couple of important updates: The Active Partners Performance System (APPS) currently has a glitch caused by the December 21, 2013 software release. And Notice 2013-23 allows you to submit owner-cert ...

Q&A: Can Child Care be Paid to a Relative?
Question: Can a tenant pay a family member and count that as a childcare expense, and get a deduction for it? How does a person prove that a family member is not available to care for the children? ...