Q&A: Utility Checks as Repayment Agreement Payments?
Question: I have a tenant who has a Repayment Agreement, and should be paying $5 a month on it. This tenant gets a utility reimbursement check every month for $37. Sometimes he tells me he doesn’t ...

Maintenance Safety
Does your property have an Accident Prevention Plan? Although it’s not a requirement, it is a “best business” practice to provide your maintenance team with one. This could be a very valuable tool i ...

Q&A: Minor Students
Question: Do I need to verify student status on minors? Our compliance department states that we do need to know if minors are attending school. It is on our AR questionnaire and on our student verifi ...

New SDS (Safety Data Sheet) Labels Required by OSHA
You’re most likely familiar with MSDS Sheets (Material Safety Data Sheets) that are required primarily for our maintenance personnel. The MSDS and SDS (Safety Data Sheets) are basically the same; howe ...

Social Security: Cost of Living Increase for 2014
The Social Security Administration has announced that the cost of living adjustment (COLA) will be 1.5% for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits in 2014. The Medicare Part B ...

Pet Addendum for Section 8 Elderly Sites
If a Section 8 Elderly property wants to adopt the pet provisions used by 202/8 and 202 PAC subsidies, Change 4 to the 4350.3 Handbook requires that these provisions be a pet addendum (and not just wo ...

Form G-845 Link Now Working on HUD.gov
HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1 CHG-4 was released through RHIIP Listserv Posting #303 on August 22, 2013. At that time, the link on HUD’s website for Exhibit 4-2 of the handbook indicated that the website ...

Maintenance Recognition After a REAC Inspection
Now that your REAC inspection has been completed and you breathe a sigh of relief, how do you go about recognizing the job well done by your maintenance team? Many times we’re so flustered and then re ...

PBCA Awards Update
As we previously reported, the lawsuit brought against HUD by eight Performance-Based Contract Administrators is in the appeals process. In late April, 2013 the Court of Federal Claims ruled in favor ...

Bogus Service Dogs
Many of us in the industry deal with the issue of service animals. Canine Companions for Independence is asking the Department of Justice to take issue with the online sale of fraudulent service dog ...