Verifying SS Debit Cards: Policy Clarification
RHIIP ListServ #296, issued in February, reminded us that Social Security benefits may now be paid via Direct Express debit cards. In a May 2, 2013 email, Michael Sharkey in Policy clarified that th ...

Q&A: Unit Split
Question: Mother and Adult Daughter lived in one unit with their kids. Mother went on our waiting list and is now moving into another unit with her kids next Friday, March 8th. We’re not quite sur ...

Major HUD Field Office Reorganization
In a news release today, April 24, 2013, HUD announced a massive restructuring of its Multifamily Headquarters and Field Offices. Implementation will begin in the Fall, and it’s expected to take 2 ½ ...

Grants and Scholarships
The Bollinger Foundation, a charitable foundation created to provide financial assistance to families of workers in the housing and community development field, is seeking nominations for this year’s ...

Court Upholds PBCA NOFA
Today, April 19, 2013, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims ruled in favor of HUD, upholding its authority to use the NOFA process to select Performance-Based Contract Administrators.

SAM Reminder
If your CCR is expiring, you must migrate into the SAM system. You may do so free of charge on the Official SAM Government Website. There are third party companies that will charge a fee to complete t ...

Q&A: Remaining Family Member
Question: I have a person 64 years of age with a 42 year old wife living on a Section 8 (202/8). The 64 year old passes away. Can the 42 year old wife continue to live in the unit as a surviving spous ...

REAC: Top 25 Deficiencies
It is always good to note that preparing for a REAC inspection is important. If you are not having a REAC inspection this year, you might want to complete your own mock mini-REAC inspection with your ...

VAWA: Reauthorized and Expanded
After letting VAWA go un-renewed for a while, Congress did renew it, and President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 on March 7th. This is the effective date of the l ...

Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contract (SPRAC)
HUD has created a webpage for the Senior Preservation Rental Assistance Contract (SPRAC) program. The SPRAC program was detailed in the January 8, 2013 Federal Register Notice. For more information a ...