Residual Receipts Voucher Offset: Start Now – No Delay!
In September’s Practical Points we described the provisions of HUD Notice 2012-14, issued on August 3, 2012. This Notice requires certain properties to use excess Residual Receipts (RR) to offset Sect ...

Renter’s Inssurance
There are times when owners and managing agents wish they could require every tenant to have renter’s insurance - especially when a resident is at fault for a fire or water damages. It costs the prop ...

Update on PBCAs
As you may remember from September’s Practical Points, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) upheld protests filed against HUD for issuing a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) to award PBCA co ...

Clarification on VA Aid and Attendance
The RHIIP ListServhas released new clarification concerning VA Aid and Attendance. This refers to how payments are to be treated with respect to annual income, and the regulations for medical expense ...

Disaster Planning
Hurricane Sandy hit the east coast in October - and emergency plans were put into effect. Some of us were caught in Washington DC for a meeting, and saw how some of the businesses began taking care o ...

Q&A – Changing Resident Status
Question: Isn’t there a rule that a person could not manipulate the head, co-head, etc. to get "elderly" status? Is that in the 4350.3 anywhere? Our HUD office is telling a resident to change their ...

Q&A – Determining Social Security Income
Question: Is there such a thing as using information from both EIV and the SS award letter? I have a tenant who started getting benefits in April 2012 that show in EIV, but EIV does not show any inf ...

Hurricane Sandy: NAHMA & HUD
As properties begin the clean-up from Hurricane Sandy, NAHMA and HUD have distributed the following information to help in the recovery efforts. The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA)’ ...

New EIV Updates Released
On October 29, 2012 HUD released new updates to the Enterprise Income Verification System: The New Hires Report now appears on the left menu bar, under Verification Reports New Report: "No Income Repo ...

COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) 2013
Social Security has released the new cost of living adjustment - the increase is 1.7%, effective January 1, 2013. However, information about Medicare premiums has not yet been released.