Updated List of Federally Mandated Income Exclusions
An updated list of income exclusions specifically mandated by federal laws was published in the Federal Register on May 20, 2014, as Docket No. FR-5741-N-01. There were three new exclusions and change ...
Q&A: What do Live-In Aides Sign?
Question: I have a couple of tenants with Live-In Aides. Are they supposed to sign the lease, or just the Live-In Aide addendum? Do they have to sign the 50059s? Betsy in Florida
Q&A: Incidental Income Increase for IRs
Question: When doing an IR I know that we have to run the EIV. But do we have to change the income amount if the income increase is not more than $200? ~ Gail in Georgia
Q&A: Correction or Interim?
Question: A tenant was moved in based on calculations using the net SS income instead of the gross benefit income. This was discovered upon retrieving EIV income data within 90 days of the move-in d ...
Social Security Award Letters are Going Paperless
In a recent letter from Kenny P. Oguejiofor, Public Affairs Specialist, Social Security Administration, Social Security has made some important upcoming changes to the services that will be provided a ...
Q&A: IRS Garnishments
Question: We have an individual whose income is being garnished by the IRS. The net amount that he currently receives would allow him to meet our income requirements. But if we use his gross wages, ...
Q&A: SSNs and Written Verification
Question: In the 4350.3 Handbook (Change 4) there is a note on page 9-10 about not using the full 9-digit SSN on “email or other electronic communications”. Do you have any industry clarification on ...
Q&A: Can Child Care be Paid to a Relative?
Question: Can a tenant pay a family member and count that as a childcare expense, and get a deduction for it? How does a person prove that a family member is not available to care for the children? ...
Q&A: Minor Students
Question: Do I need to verify student status on minors? Our compliance department states that we do need to know if minors are attending school. It is on our AR questionnaire and on our student verifi ...
Q&A: Organic Food
Question: We have a resident whose doctor is stating they should eat only organic food instead of regular food due to a medical condition. From my investigation, organic food costs 10% - 30% more tha ...