HUD Issues Housing Notice on HUD’s Equal Access Rule
HUD Issues Housing Notice on HUD’s Equal Access Rule Housing Notice H-2015-06, Program Eligibility in Multifamily Assisted and Insured Housing Programs in Accordance with HUD’s Equal Access Rule, was ...

Question and Answer: Screening Costs
Question: Â We have a lot of households that apply, but end up getting rejected based on our screening criteria. We spend a lot of money each year on screening costs for households that never end up li ...

2015 HUD Income Limits Have Been Released
2015 HUD Income Limits Have Been Released On March 6, 2015, HUD released the 2015 Income Limits. Click here to view these limits. Owners of properties participating in HUD’s multifamily housing pr ...

HUD Issues memo regarding occupancy protections for households in properties layered with HUD subsidy and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits
HUD Issues memo regarding occupancy protections for households in properties layered with HUD subsidy and Low-Income Housing Tax Credits On January 12, 2015, HUD issued a memo titled “Occupancy Pro ...

Social Security Number Requirements
Question: I have an applicant that delivered a child three days before she moved in. When she came to sign her documents and receive the keys to her new unit, I told her she had 90 days to provide me ...

SAVE System Update scheduled for September 28, 2014
Effective September 28, 2014, when logging in to the SAVE system via the current website, you will be redirected to a new SAVE website. Once redirected, PMCS encourages you to bookmark this website fo ...

Q&A: Correction or Interim?
Question: A tenant was moved in based on calculations using the net SS income instead of the gross benefit income. This was discovered upon retrieving EIV income data within 90 days of the move-in d ...

Q&A: Citizenship Verification
Question: I have a question regarding Citizenship Requirements. Some states, such as Michigan, have an enhanced driver license. The license provides Proof of Identity and U.S. Citizenship. Would it be ...

Q&A: Verifying Eligibility
Question:Â I have always been told that an application could not be rejected before ALL information had been verified. Â I have searched the 4350.3 to see if there is still a requirement that all infor ...

Q & A: Tenant Failed to Recertify
Question: - Tenant’s Annual was due July 1, 2013. - Management did everything we were supposed to do, but the tenant never responded to the 120, 90 or 60-day Recert Reminder Notices. - On July 10 she ...