Hurricanes and Other Disasters
Hurricanes and Other Disasters
The season is upon us early and it is active. It’s time to check your disaster plans for hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, hail storms and heat. Any of these can be disastrous for your properties. Preparation is important.
If you are looking for some tips for hurricane preparation, visit the Hurricane Center website. You may have local information, but it is good to look at different areas and see how they handle informing the public. Every resource can be valuable.
HUD also provides information for you in Chapter 38, Multifamily Emergency/Disaster Guidance, of Handbook 4350.1.
This guide provides information on how you should report the occurrence of a disaster.
Next month, we will go into detail about these reports and how you handle your responses. If you do not have an established plan, please review Chapter 38 and get one in place.