June 3, 2015 in Q&A

Move-In and EIV

Move-In and EIV

Question: I had a tenant that moved in on April 17, 2015. On April 30, 2015, she reported a new job that began on April 27, 2015. So, I know I have to run the EIV Income Report for the Interim, but I also know that it is too early for this household to show up in EIV because my Contract Administrator just got the Move-In from me. So, isn’t that a waste of time? MaryAnn – Washington

Answer You are correct that it is very unlikely that the tenant will show up in EIV. However, in order to adhere to your written EIV Policies and Procedures that require that you print the EIV Income Report for all Interims, you must document that you searched for the Income Report by Head of Household SSN, print out the results page that shows no current 50059 was
found, and proceed with third party verification methods to verify and calculate the new income. Keep in mind that you are still required to print the Income Report (and under some interpretations, the Income Discrepancy Report) 90 days after the Move-In 50059 was transmitted.