November 7, 2013 in Miscellaneous

Pet Addendum for Section 8 Elderly Sites

Pet Addendum for Section 8 Elderly Sites

If a Section 8 Elderly property wants to adopt the pet provisions used by 202/8 and 202 PAC subsidies, Change 4 to the 4350.3 Handbook requires that these provisions be a pet addendum (and not just wording added into the lease).  HUD or the Contract Administrator must approve this lease addendum (6-5 C 4).

Prior to Change 3, when HUD headquarters required a move to the current leases, such approval was not required as long as management used language that matched the wording  HUD Forms 90105B, 90105C or 90105D and simply moved it to a pet addendum.

If you have a Section 8 Elderly property that created a pet addendum at the time of that lease change, you do not need to get HUD or CA approval now.  However, if you have not had a pet addendum in the past and you want to add one now, you do need to get the approval of your HUD office or Contract administrator.