Q & A Certs
Q & A Certs
Question: Regarding Move-out date: When a resident submits a 30-day notice, are they required to pay the full rent for the 30 days? If she gives the notice on the 1st, and decides to move out early, on the 25th, what will be the move-out date – the 25th or 30th? I have been moving residents out at the end of the 30th day. Would that be a problem? ~ Susan in California
Answer: In this example, the Move-Out date would be the 25th. HUD’s rule is that a site can only collect subsidy for the actual days the household occupies the unit [4350.3, 9-12(E)]. Once a tenant moves out, you cannot collect subsidy – even if the tenant leaves before the notice period is up. So you would be in violation if someone moved out on the 25th and the 50059A Move-Out date was later than that date. This tenant may move into another site after leaving yours, and s/he is not allowed to collect subsidy for living in two sites on the same dates. So if the tenant moves out of your site on the 25th and into another property on the 26th, the tenant is, indeed, eligible for subsidy in that new site on that date. Using a later Move-Out date deprives the tenant of this subsidy, which is not permitted by HUD.