February 12, 2012 in EIV, Q&A



Question: What qualifies as annual training for EIV? ~ Carolyn in KY

Answer: The Annual EIV Security Requirement changed with HUD Notice 2011-21, effective August 19, 2011. As of that date, all EIV users (including Coordinators, Users and employees of the owner, management company or site who sign Rules of Behavior) must complete the online Federal ISS Awareness training program annually, to satisfy EIV’s security training requirement. Find the online Federal ISS Awareness training program at https://public.cyber.mil/training/cyber-awareness-challenge/. This may look familiar – it’s the same Security Course required annually, to be completed within 30 days of signing the TRACS ROB (Rules of Behavior). So now this certificate will serve double duty. Although it isn’t required, we recommend that all EIV Coordinators and Users complete an EIV Update training each year, to stay current with any changes EIV has made during the year.

Link updated 8/16/2021