May 10, 2013 in Q&A, Unit Transfer

Q & A: Who Pays for the Unit Transfer?

Q & A: Who Pays for the Unit Transfer?

Question:  Unit Transfer –  We have a tenant in an efficiency who has secured a doctor’s note for a bigger apartment and a reasonable accommodation form has been prepared to facilitate this request to a one bedroom unit.  If I remember correctly,>we pay for this move, right?  ~ Anne in NJ

Answer: Reasonable accommodations are available to people who are verified as being handicapped/disabled.  Assuming that the tenant has been verified as handicapped/disabled, yes, the property must pay for the unit transfer – though the property does not have to pay for the transfer of any utilities.  If appropriate, and considering the liabilities, site staff can simply move all the resident’s belongings so there’s no actual out-of-pocket cost to the site.  If the tenant is not handicapped/disabled, but needs a transfer for a medical reason, the tenant is responsible for paying the moving costs.