Q&A: Can Child Care be Paid to a Relative?
Q&A: Can Child Care be Paid to a Relative?
Question: Can a tenant pay a family member and count that as a childcare expense, and get a deduction for it? How does a person prove that a family member is not available to care for the children? Can you pay another person who lives in the apartment? Michele in Texas
Answer: In order to count as a Child Care expense, payment must be made to a person who doesn’t live in the unit. If the child care provider is a relative who doesn’t live in the apartment, payment is counted as a Child Care expense after proper verification. The family doesn’t have to prove that no one in the unit can adequately care for the child; it’s just a decision that the family makes. All of the details about Child Care expense can be found in the 4350.3 Handbook, paragraph 5-10 B.