Q&A: HUD Form 9887/A
Q&A: HUD Form 9887/AÂ
Question: An applicant household is moving in next week. They signed HUD Form 9887/A when they completed their application ten months ago. Do I have to have them sign a new HUD Form 9887/A when they move in or can I use the one that was completed with their application? ~April in TN
Answer: A new HUD Form 9887/A must be signed when the MI occurs. The head of household, spouse, and co-head (regardless of age) along with any other members 18 years of age and older must sign HUD Form 9887/A at the time of move in and at annual recertification. The consent for information form is valid for 15 months from the date of signature.
If the household originally completed the 9887/A ten months ago, it is set to expire in five months. When EIV reports are to be pulled for the next Annual Recertification, the HUD Form 9887/A will have expired-leaving you, as the manager, with no authorized release of information from the tenant.
Also, be sure that individuals turning 18 year of age, since the last recertification, sign the form before EIV is pulled. Notification requirements and timeframes for signature of HUD Form 9887/A for individuals turning 18 between recertifications must be explained in the property’s EIV Policies and Procedures.