October 1, 2012 in REAC

REAC Compilation Bulletin, Revision 2.3

REAC Compilation Bulletin, Revision 2.3

HUD has released an updated REAC Compilation Bulletin Revision 2.3, dated August 22, 2012.  This bulletin specifically addresses REAC inspection scoring for single dead roaches, tenant owned equipment, fire extinguishers and scattered site inspections.

There are four revisions:

  1. Roaches (Effective September 4, 2012)
    When either one dead roach or only roach droppings is observed in a unit or in an inspectable location in a Common Area, the inspector is to record this observation as Health and Safety (H&S), Hazards, Other, and in the comment field write either “One dead roach” or “Roach droppings only.”  When a deficiency is recorded under “Hazards, Other,” there is no point loss associated with the deficiency. The new “dead roach” protocol is effective for inspections as of September 4, 2012. However, when more than one dead roach OR one or more live roaches are observed in a unit or in an inspectable location in a Common Area, the inspector must continue to record this observation as “Infestation.”
  2. Tenant-owned Equipment (Effective August 6, 2012)
    Refrigerators, stoves, and window air conditioners owned by the resident must be inspected and deficiencies recorded, including H&S deficiencies, as if the appliances are owned by the property. Property owners and management agents may continue to submit TR/DBA requests for cited deficiencies for these resident-owned items. All other resident-owned property will be inspected for H&S deficiencies only. These H&S deficiencies must be recorded as H&S, Hazards, Other.  Examples of “resident-owned property” include fire extinguishers, mirrors, picture frames, fan covers and play equipment.  When a deficiency is recorded under “Hazards, Other,” there is no point loss associated with the deficiency.However, when resident-owned property (including furniture, appliances or other devices) prohibit access to call-for-aids (pull cords) or block egress, that must continue to be cited as Call-For-Aid, Inoperable or H&S, Emergency/Fire Exits, Blocked/Unusable, as applicable. Improperly stored flammable materials will also continue to be recorded as H&S, Flammable Materials, Improperly Stored, regardless of ownership. This revision is already in effect for inspections.
  3. Fire Extinguishers (Effective August 6, 2012)
    All fire extinguishers observed must be inspected, regardless of who owns them.  Fire extinguishers owned and supplied by the property that are missing, expired, discharged, or otherwise damaged will be cited as a deficiency regardless of whether or not the extinguisher is required by local code.  Fire extinguishers owned and supplied by the residents will be cited only for H&S deficiencies, and will be  recorded as H&S, Hazards, Other, with no point loss.  This revision is already in effect for inspections.
  4. Scattered Site Projects (Effective March 10, 2012)
    Inspectors are required to visit all of the locations in the scattered site property to visually verify all building and unit counts prior to sample generating.  After generating the sample and selecting the sample buildings and units, inspectors are only required to re-visit and inspect the sample buildings and units, and the sites associated with the sample buildings.  If a building that is selected as part of the sample is on a multiple building location, the entire site for that location must be inspected.

A copy of the REAC Compilation Bulletin Revision 2.3 may be found here