February 15, 2014 in REAC



Match the following terms with the definitions:

Term Definitions
1.Technical Review A. Process of procuring competitive bids to conduct physical inspections of HUD’s housing portfolio, review and accept inspections and authorizing payments to participating contractors.
2. Database Adjustment B. Review that may be requested if during the physical inspection an objectively, verifiable and material error(s) occurred that, if corrected, would result in an improvement in the property’s overall score.
3. Quality Assurance Division C. To provide timely and quality service by monitoring inspector performance and taking corrective action, as needed, to ensure that the REAC inspections are conducted with a pre-defined acceptable quality.
4. Inspection Review D. Oversees the physical assessment process and is responsible for evaluating and systematically monitoring REAC’s physical inspection program to ensure reliable, replicable, and reasonable inspections.
5. Reverse Auction Program (RAP) E. Initiates a review of the results of a physical inspection.
6. Inspector Administration F. Allows for responses to questions to clarify observations and remedy incorrect observations.
[/custom_table] [toggle_content title=”Click Here to See Answers…”] 1-B; 2-E; 3-D; 4-F; 5-A; 6-C