Reports Required by HUD When Disaster Occurs
Reports Required by HUD When Disaster Occurs
If a disaster occurs that affects your residents and/or properties, HUD has reporting obligations based on information that is gathered about your property. It’s important for you to immediately report any physical damage to your property – both interior and exterior. This damage could result from fire, flood, wind, severe cold, or other natural disaster or weather event. Owners/Management Agents are encouraged to complete and forward damage assessments to HUD using these forms, which can be found in Chapter 38 of the 4350.1:
- FEMA Declared Emergency or Disaster: Preliminary Disaster Assessment (Appendix A-3)
- Event not declared by FEMA: Basic Damage Assessment
The appropriate Assessment form should be forwarded, within 24 hours of the damage, to your HUD Project Manager. The Multifamily Housing Guidance for Disaster Recovery page on the HUD website has been established to aid you in your reporting.
TIP: If there has been a crisis on your property that does not require resident displacement, and no damage has occurred, it is still best to send a report to your HUD Project Manager. This will give HUD an accurate assessment of your handling of the situation and for their records, which is especially helpful if questions arise.
Updated reports are a must, as additional information becomes available, when dealing with resident displacement and the amount of damage to your property. It is important that HUD remain informed of any insurance claim that covers any event and any damage to the property.