January 7, 2012 in Miscellaneous

Speaking Out

Speaking Out

Last month we discussed the importance of speaking out as a stakeholder in the industry. It is important to note that whether your input is positive or negative, it is a valid response to an issue that we face.  Of course, not all of us agree on all subjects. However, it is important that we say something.

Here is an opportunity to voice your opinion on an issue currently being considered by Congress.  Please express your views to the Congress person who is bringing the issue to light.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (jacksonlee.house.gov) has submitted legislation that has been referred to the House Financial Services Committee, H.R. 233: No One Strike Eviction Act of 2011.

“This legislation would reform the provisions requiring ‘one strike’ eviction from public and federally assisted housing. The bill seeks to protect innocent tenants in public housing and Section 8 housing from eviction resulting from criminal activity of their household members or guests. The bill would add language so that criminal or drug-related criminal activity that was engaged by a member of a tenant’s household, guest or other person under the tenant’s control, would not be grounds to evict a tenant as long as they did not know and should not have known of the activity” (NAHMA)