December 19, 2012 in Income Limits, RHIIP Listserv

UPDATE: 2013 Income Limits

UPDATE: 2013 Income Limits

The 2013 HUD Income Limits were first released on December 4, 2012, with instructions that they were to be effective for anyone moving in December 4 or later.

Then, on December 11, 2012 HUD published updated income limits for 2013. The date at the bottom now reads, “Data file last updated Tues., Dec. 11, 2012.” The updated Limits were posted because the estimates of median incomes were about 3% too low for most of the country. That threw off the Limits, since they were calculated from those incorrect numbers.

On December 14 HUD Policy announced (via RHIIP ListServ #292) its clarification on how sites should handle the updated Income Limits:

  • If you have not yet implemented the FY2013 income limits (published either on 12/4/12 or 12/11/12) you have 45 days (from 12/11/12) to implement the revised 2013 Income Limits which were published on December 11th. You can get them here.
  • If you implemented the FY2013 income limits published on 12/4/12, but have not yet implemented the FY2013 income limits published on 12/11/12, you must either:
    1. Implement the 2013 income limits published on 12/11/12 immediately; or
    2. Revert back to the 2012 income limits and implement the 2013 income limits published on 12/11/12 within 45 days of December 11th.
  • If you have already implemented the FY2013 income limits published on 12/11/12, continue to use them.
  • If you used the 12/4/12 Income Limits, and you determined that an applicant was income-ineligible, you must contact them to have their eligibility re-determined using the FY 2012 Income Limits. This is because they fall within the appeal timeframe of 14 days noted in the 4350.3, 4-9.C.2.b.

If you have a Tax Credit or Bond property, these income limits may not apply. Be sure to verify whether your site needs to use these Income Limits or the Multifamily Tax Subsidy Project Income Limits here.

HUD has also published the 2013 Income limits for D3 BMIRs, Section 235 and Section 236 properties.