VAWA: Reauthorized and Expanded
VAWA: Reauthorized and Expanded
After letting VAWA go un-renewed for a while, Congress did renew it, and President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 on March 7th. This is the effective date of the law with all of its new provisions — however, HUD will provide updated guidance on how to implement it, along with any documents needed.
The changes:
1. In the past, VAWA protections were available to victims of domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. Sexual assault has now been added to this list.
2. VAWA housing protections have been extended to nine federal programs that were not covered in the past. Covered programs are:
- Section 8
- Section 202
- Section 811
- Section 236
- Rural Development housing
- Title IV McKinney-Vento homeless housing
- Low Income Housing Tax Credit
- Title VIII/Subtitle D Cranston-Gonzalez Act housing
- Sections 6 & 8 US Housing Act of 1937 housing
Be sure to check back soon for more information on how to implement.